Friday 31 October 2014

4 Exercises for tight and pretty legs

A lot of people live in a  delusion that doing thousands of squats will result in lean and pretty legs!
Although these type of exercises are great for your  muscles, they won’t help you get rid of layers of fat on your legs, hips and backside.
Do These following 4 types of exercises  at least 2 times a week. Do them in series one following the other, 15 for each leg. If you want a greater resistance you can buy weights for ankles.
1. Side leg lifting
Lie on your left side, bend your head on your left arm, and use your right hand to keep balance on the ground. Keep your legs straight up and stretch your feet so that your toes face up the head. Without moving any part of your body, lift your right leg keep it in the air for a few seconds, and then pull it down. It is very important to keep your muscles tight the whole time. This particular exercise affects the muscles of the inner side of your hips.
2. Shell
While lying on your left side, bend your hips and knees in an angle of 45 degrees. Keep your heels close to each other and start lifting your right leg as high as you can. The most important thing to do is not to part your heels and your muscles must be tightened all the time. Keep your right leg in the air for one second and then return in the basic position. This exercise affects your backside and hips muscles.

3. Bridge
Lie on your back, bend your knees and put your feet straight on the floor at shoulder length . Start lifting up, so that you bring your hips and stomach in a flat position. Be in this position for a few seconds and then pull down your backside. It’s very important not to lower your backside next to the ground. This exercise affects the muscles in your torso, backside, hips and lower part of your back.
4. Running in place
Start in a position for doing press ups. The body needs to be straight from head to toes and all the muscles tightened. Be careful to keep your back flat and your stomach muscles tightened. Lift your right knee towards your left shoulder and then get back to the basic position. Then do the same with the other leg. This exercise affects your chest, the back side of your hips, the lower part of your back, torso, stomach muscles, shoulders and the upper part of tour back.


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