Friday 5 September 2014

4 Weird Treatments for Cellulite That Actually Work

Ah, the C word. Cellulite is nothing to be ashamed of—because let’s face it: Most of us have it. Seriously, it's believed to occur in roughly 90 percent of post-adolescent females. A number of variables factor into the development of the unappealing dimpling, but none of that matters when you just want it to go away. These four remedies for cellulite may seem weird, but they're actually pretty effective.

Reasons to love cucumbers: They're hydrating and rich in vitamins. Applying slices directly to the skin allows phytochemicals in cucumbers to tighten collagen for a firm complexion. This can result in an almost-instant reduction of cellulite appearance.

Coffee Scrub
Caffeine dilates blood vessels, which tightens the outer tissues of the skin. Used on skin, it also lets your body release toxins and metabolize fat. Making your own coffee scrub is super simple—just combine unused grounds with some of your favorite skin oils—like almond or olive—and you're done!

Seaweed Baths
Thalassotherapy is a French skin-care treatment that involves applying hot water and seaweed to the skin—either in the form of a bath or a "wrap." Seaweed has a high volume of iodine, which increases thyroid function and local circulation of blood flow to minimize cellulite.

Consuming gelatin—which isn't packed with sugar—has lots of health and body benefits, but it's incredibly efficient in increasing collagen production. Gelatin powder can be found at any health food store and most grocery stores—just mix it into your favorite beverage once daily to counteract collagen deficiency, which is partly to blame for cellulite in the first place. And yes, JELL-O counts.

From Women's Health Magazine

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